Kens RC projects


Most of the projects presented here have been published in the UK magazine Radio Control Models and Electronics. I was the electronics consultant for RCM&E and these designs are the ones which I own the copyright for and hence can distribute them on the www. There are other designs that have been published but the copyright belongs to the original author and so I am unable to included them in this page. The other items are listed along with the issue they appeared in to enable you to obtain a back issue.

Each project will be presented as a web page containing the original article text and a download zip file containing all of the text in ASCII txt format, and drawings in JPEG  format. Many of the projects use PIC micro processors, for these projects the source code for most of these designs will be added to the site in the near future.

This page is designed to assist the home builder of radio control based electronic units and provide a source of information. I hope that you will be encouraged to exchange information with others in the news group pages / Forums about any item you find of interest on this page.

RC Electronics was a business I ran for a few years mostly selling ready made versions of the Buddy Box Projects, this business was also closed down when version of our interfaces were available again from the far east for very cheap prices. The web site URL has been re-registered by someone else and has nothing to do with me or RC. My old site is still displayed but should be ignored.

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